A Starbucks Idea!


Starbucks Drive Thru

This is an idea from my friend Skylar. I think it is a good one and an easy one. It can be done in any coffee shop around the world, even in Malaysia.


Skylar says:  The other day at Starbucks, this random guy was like, ” hey I think that I should pay for the car behind me today, and then they will pay for the person behind them, and it will just go on and on!” So once we were in line at the window at paying, the lady who works at Starbucks said “hello, today a guy said he would pay for the person behind him, and so your drink Is pretty much free.” my mom said that it was a very good idea and that she would pay for the person behind her. I thought that it was a really good idea too. The next time we go through a drive through I will ask my mom if we can pay for the person behind us. Thanks again for the great idea!

Thank you Skylar for sharing your idea. I think this is something really easy that we can do. There are always so many cars in the Starbucks Drive Thru.


  1. Sena Fulmore on November 27, 2013 at 8:55 pm

    Hi Andrew. i like skylars idea too. it is awesome that you made a website for this.

  2. Andrew on November 28, 2013 at 2:58 am

    Thanks Sena. I am so happy you stopped by to check it out. I love this idea, too.

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