RAK Advent Calendar! These students are ROCKIN #RAKLouisville
So, my mom’s friend, Mrs, Jennifer Zink sent us this story and ideas from a group she leads. These are the AWESOME ladies of Northside Christian Church’s Weds Night Re-fuel (New Albany).
They joined us last year in doing RAKs but this year, they started early and they are spreading kindness in their community, their schools and their family. They are fantastic!!! I think it is amazing that people I have not even met yet are joining us and doing amazing things with RAK Louisville.
So, how cool. They combined all their RAK ideas and made a calendar and with everyone doing something on the list everyday, it will spread kindness quickly. Looks closely at her picture and you will see the numbers and where they have added RAK ideas.
I think you can use this as a guide to help you do random acts of kindness around your community. You can also personalize these ideas and make it your own. Or even, make changes to it. I would recommend that if you are doing anything edible that you either sign a card so they know who it is from, or make sure it is store-bought (still in packaging).
- Pack up a bag of clothes from your room to donate to charity.
- Take baked goods to the fire station.
- Leave coins on a vending machine or at the car wash
- Pay for the car behind you in the fast food drive thru
- Leave a treat on car windshields
- Leave lottery tickets somewhere to be found
- Hold the door open for multiple people
- Leave a neighbor an anonymous gift
- Hand out candy canes
- Buy someone’s coffee
- Go caroling
- Leave cookies for the mailman
- Take a drive and look at Christmas lights
- Make a toilet paper roll wreath
- Make sugared almonds
- Leave reindeer food outside for Santa’s reindeer
- Read a christmas story
- Spend an entire day without electronics (no phones, computers, TV)
- Be a Secret Santa at school today
- Send thank you notes to 3 people
- Send Christmas cards to family members
- Head to a park or public place and pickup trash
- Go to JayC and Walmart and take random carts to their appropriate place
- Call your grandparents
- Leave thoughtful post-it notes for friends
- Make a snowman
- Write thank you notes to your teachers
- Tape microwave popcorn to the Redbox machine
- Leave quarters in the toy machines
- Show off your best smile all day
- Donate loose change to the Salvation Army
- Write letters to military personnel
- Give out compliments today
- Reconnect with a friend you haven’t seen in a long time
- Take dog food or treats to a local animal shelter
- Give a hug to someone who looks sad or upset today
- Sit with someone new at lunch today
- Leave birdseed and peanut butter sticks/balls for the birds and squirrels
I think this is FANTASTIC! Thank you so much for joining us.