RAK Louisville 2014 – Here we go!


It is that time of year again where we can spend all month doing Random Acts of Kindness. Let’s do one thing a day at least that is a random act of kindness through the month of December. Or, we can start practicing NOW. If all of us do one thing a day, we can flood our city with kindness. And it does not matter where you live. You can live in Southern Indiana, in Singapore or Kuala Lumpur or Shelbyville!

I am very excited that more people will be joining us this December in our RAK project. Please tell your friends and encourage them to also be a part of this. Remember, stay anonymous when you can. And, you must always be safe. Don’t do anything that is not safe.

Please share your ideas of what has worked for you. We are always sharing ideas with our friends through our blog.

I am very excited to get RAK Louisville going this year. It is our city and I am looking forward to showing our city kindness!!


In Kindness,

Andrew Dunn

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