The YARBERRY Family is all about #RAKLouisville this morning!!!
Abby and Alex Yarberry have taken #RAKLouisville and flooded our city with kindness.
This is what it is all about. All of us going out of our way, making a plan and then just doing random acts of kindness. They changed so many people’s day today just by doing this. Way to go Abby and Alex. You guys are amazing and Mr. and Mrs. Yarberry, too. They had an amazing morning that was packed with things to do.
FIRST STOP: Their neighborhood Firehouse
Donuts were very welcome at the Firehouse. I am certain they appreciated these two young people coming by more than anything. What a great start to their morning.
2nd Stop: Construction Workers by the new Texas Roadhouse
How awesome that they took time, noticed the construction workers and then shared treats with them. You think that will make an impact with those guys? I am sure it will. Being a recipient of a random act of kindness can really change the outlook of your whole day.
3rd Stop: McDonalds Drive Thru
Paying for the meal of someone behind you is an easy and awesome thing to do.
4th Stop: Kentucky Humane Society
Donut and Dog treats were delivered and much appreciated, I am sure.
What a fantastic day. This is really easy to do and it does not take as much time as you think. Just look around you and we know you will find an awesome way to bless someone and do a random act of kindness. IT WILL CHANGE THEIR DAY!!!!
Great job Alex and Abby!